Saturday, November 7, 2009


I'm now staring at this blank space,thinking of something significant to write.My fingers are numb,my eyes are teary and my whole body is tired from work.

I continue to breathe and look above the ceiling. It didn't even give me a clue. I turned around and saw my bed and it was telling me to sleep but I still resisted, I need to write something,something worth sharing.

Then something crossed my mind.I was thinking about the concept of death. It may sound weird but I can help myself thinking of it. I have seen my love ones left and I don't even know what will happen to me after death. No one can answer this mystery.

Honestly,I'm not afraid to die,the only thing I'm scared of is losing the people I love. 

Things were different before. And as I try to reminisce my past experiences.My experiences molded me of what I am today.I learned from it and I'm thankful that God had touched me in one way or another.

The hardest part of death are goodbyes.Deaths are endings. We cry during funerals because we will miss our loved ones, we will miss their smiles,how they cheer us but if we came to think about it,in some ways,we become selfish.We don't owe our families,friends and everyone around us. God the Supreme Being owns us.

But during the time that my sister was on ICU. I was praying hard to Him. I never prayed that hard ever since in my life. I wanted Him to give my sister some more years to live. I become selfish that time but I can't blame myself, if only I could trade my life for her, I would gladly accept the deal. He took her from us. I was full of regrets.My reaction was a complete denial. It may be normal in the initial stage of the grieving process but the pain of separation from someone you love hurts more. Its the pain that even medicines can't cure.

I still miss her. 

I can't questioned God and I know He is always right. And now, slowly I'm still coping with this pain. 

Death holds a mystery and eternity is beyond man's understanding. I'll be ready to meet death with a smile. I'll be reuniting with my Creator in a paradise full of happiness.

Need to get a lot of sleep.I'm sleeping during the day and working at night in the Hospital. Need to adjust my body clock.



  1. While i was reading the gth paragraph of this post, i was thinking of my lolo. He is now on stage for of pancreatic cancer. Nah, this made cry. I know, i am so emotionally attached and sensitive. Sorry.

    Kay, sleep well. :)

  2. wa. i dun know why those numbers from my comment above don't exist LOL. instead of sixth paragraph it became gth. and the stage four became stage for. WAHAHA.

    nawala tuloy depression ko.

  3. Death.. for so many years, ive been hiding my feelings about this.. but I know for sure, its something I'm really afraid of. for so many reasons I know I am afraid of it.

    And loosing the people we truly love was never easy.. And the grief and sadness will never be gone as day passes by. we will always miss their presence and how they touched our lives..

    Anton, I know how hard to loose someone that is precious just like your sister.. But I know for sure.. She is in good hands now.. and she is just watching over you and your family. :)

    -cher []

  4. There's still that "good" in goodbyes, though. We just need to learn how to see the "good" in it. :)

  5. Oh. That's so sad. I haven't lost anyone that significant, yet, but when I have to comfort a friend or my mom what I say is that they are in a better place and they're very lucky that they don't have to face the problems here on earth.

  6. oh hi anton.. While reading this post, i suddenly reminisce the day my lolo died.. it's been very painful for us, since he's a still strong before the attack happened. Same with my closest Uncle, he died because of Pancreatic Cancer, a day before he died, we're still together, we even hugged and kissed each other, he even told us not to go home first, maybe that was the sign. Then early morning, he died.. :(

    God planned everything that was happening in our life.. we may not know his reason FOR NOW, but as days go by, He'll make things even clearer.. :)

    -jhoanne (

  7. You're right...Deaths are endings. Death is the worst thing thing that could happen to a person.. I'm really sorry to hear what has happened to your sister. I hope she's doing fine, wherever she is..

  8. i'm afraid to die. and even more afraid to lose someone really close to me...

  9. If anyone loses someone close to them, i guess it'd be normal to react like this. You're not selfish at all you know, and God understands if ever you feel mad at Him.. in the end He'd welcome you back. Maybe, there was a purpose why He took your sister away although it was sad :( Think of it this way, your sister might suffer more if she stayed..

    anw, God bless :D
