Tuesday, December 1, 2009


It seems that I lost my place in the real world.I had been busy this past weeks and forgot to breathe for a while.

And what's more surprising is that most of us are slowly taken by this routines.We became more materialistic rather than realist.Or are we still looking for our identity in this big world? Doing things just to stay in trend might be the answer of this behavior.I got a lot of questions right now in my mind but it seems that this meager space is not enough to tell it all.

Maybe, I just wanted to get out of the trend and breathe fresh air again.There are things I miss,simple things that are often ignored by society.

Just like this things:

>Sleeping in class and waking up just to read a few lines from the white board then sleep again.

>Re-reading sweet messages from my cellphone to make my day.

>Attending class overnights to finish school paper works but ending up sleeping the whole night.

>The noise in the school corridors,the smell of chalks and the chit-chats during lunch time.

>The time when friendster took the world and now facebook is taking all our lives.

>Watching movies and series in dvd's and buying cd's in quiapo.

>Using our i.d. to draw a line in our geometry assignments.

>The time when all enjoy eating together in the family table sharing cooked foods rather than eating outside alone in fancy restaurants.

This are some of the things that what makes us human,it was the trend way back and until now, we are part of it.

But I had realized that I appreciate life in a different way,the best things in life are free.Family,friends,the sun,moon and stars and everything around us.

And most of all I need to breathe again.


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