Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Melancholy strikes

"Its been a couple of months since she left,the scent of her perfume and the light of her face still lingers.Melancholy strikes again and all I can do is to express this feelings into words. We both know that it will be the end.I'm glad we both part ways..I wish her well."

Dearest princess,

It's so difficult to know how and where to begin. I've been thinking long and hard through many ideas trying to find a way.

I finally struck one little thought, a simple story, through which I have been able to think clearly and find understanding, if not satisfaction, and I want to share it with you.

This is a story about a frog who was dying, and the princess who saved his life. Like most typical fairy tale stories we had read, the frog who was dying was saved by a lovely princess. And later on, the frog would turn to a prince because of a kiss from a princess.

How does this apply to us, you may ask, if you haven't already guessed.

I see us stuck in a never-ending fairy tale. I see myself as the lucky frog who was saved from my solitude and monotonous life and you are the one and only princess who I owe my life. The story sounds different in a sense that, my story or should I say our story could be started with this line: "This is a story of a handsome prince who saved a lovely princess from dying." The stereotype opening of a happy ending fairy tale.

How I wish I was a prince, I come to think of it that certain things are just illusions of this world of reality. We are not living in a world of castles, horses, princesses and prince, we live in a world of reality in which everything bites, everything is real. I just had to accept this things.

I have a record of our time together, and have taken a long and honest look at it. It had made me smile and some even saddened me, but it has been helpful in facing the truth. I look back to the days in early June, and the months that followed.That was our days, and it was beautiful. We are both happy I believe. Then there were also conflicts and misunderstandings, inexplicable cutoffs—and the equally fierce avoidance.

Away and apart or together and apart, it is too unhappy. I am watching myself become a person who cries a lot, a person who even must cry a lot, for it almost seems that pity is necessary before kindness is possible. Everyday I face the world with a big smile and positive outlook but still there is this piece of loneliness deep within my heart.

I hope you will not see this as the breaking of my promise but rather the continuation of the many, many endings you and I have begun. I'm always here for you, loving silently even though I'm still the same old frog. I think it is something we both know must be. I must accept that I have failed in my efforts to let you know how much I care and loved you.

My precious princess, this is said softly, even ten­derly and lovingly. And my soft tones do not camouflage an underlying anger: they are real. There are no accusa­tions, no blames or faults. I am simply trying to under­stand, and to stop the pain. I am staling what I have been forced to accept that loving is just a part of living and not all stories had their happy endings.

Goodbye my life, Goodbye my happiness, Goodbye.

Despite the pain, I'm happy to have known you in this special way, and will always treasure the time we've had together. I have grown with you, and learned much from you, and I know I have made major positive contribu­tions to you. We are both better people for having touched one another.

You had thought me many things, I believe that I become more sensitive to others feelings.
I learned that It is by not always thinking of yourself, if you can manage it, that you might somehow be happy. Until you make room in your life for someone as important to you as yourself, you will always be searching and somehow fulfilled.

I don't want to end this letter, there are still many things I still like to share with you but at this late juncture, it occurs to me that a chess meta­phor might also be useful. Chess is a game in which each party has its own singular objective even as it engages the other; a mid-game in which a struggle develops and intensifies and bits and pieces of each side are lost, both sides diminished; an end-game. Both the king and the queen are lost in this game.

I am still your friend, your frog, your prince as I know you are mine. You are my princess, my thunder, my life, my happiness. I wrote this letter with a heart full of the deep and sincere love for you,as well as profound sor­row that an opportunity so filled with promise, so rare and so beautiful, had to go unfulfilled.


>The letter above was written aeon's of sorry for exaggerating.
>Christmas is in the air. Enjoy the season of sharing guys.

GodBless us all.

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