Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rainy days

It was raining hard this past days,until now.

This might be nature's way of reminding the people to take good care of our habitat.

The electricity's out and slowly the day is covered with darkness. And as I opened the television as soon as the electricity was back,I was dumbstruck to saw in the news about the casualties of the typhoon that strike manila.

The number of casualties is still growing and a number of properties had been destroyed,sad to say.

We Filipinos are really weird, I guess so.On one hand, our nation had its common love for our Lord Jesus Christ,with churches filled with parishioners every Sunday. As I remember, our country is more than 85 percent Roman Catholics and Christians. Therefore that the Philippines is almost 85 percent heaven.Simplistic,perhaps but it sounds logical. And as I know the Philippines is the only Catholic nation in asia but it seems we are far pathetic than our neighboring countries maybe because of our lack of faith.

This typhoon had given us a lesson,never to abuse God's given gifts. We can't blame the river to flow or the streets to be flooded. Each of us is held responsible of our own doings.

Tons of garbage thrown in the rivers,squatter colonies are everywhere, I see billboards promoting sex and violence while attempting to promote products.Where are our Christian values people?

God has made stewards of His Creation but why are we destroying it?

Are we still Christians, or mere individuals who only care for ourself?

So many what ifs. and questions.

I hope we Filipinos had already learned something from this incident.

Positive views on the typhoon:

When I was little, I wanted what many normal children all over the country wanted. I wanted to have good clothes, many friends and a simple life with my family.

I also wanted everything even the moon who shines bright every night.I was still a child back then but I believe I can be a prince of my own world.

And I thought- if I just wished hard enough and was good enough, I'd wake up one day with all this dreams of my nostalgic childhood in reality.

And this typhoon had relieved my childhood experiences.This are the things I've been yearning for so long-quality time with my family.

I admire those family who lives under one roof,sharing warm cooked foods, contented with the simple things that they have. My childhood memories are still within me, until now. I have kept this so called childhood contentment.

I have been longing to be a child again, a child that is loved and cared for.

Because of the typhoon-

We had shared once again warm cooked foods under a single light from a candle.

It was simple but I was happy,very very happy.

Simple things are often ignored,people are consumed by materialistic possessions.

But for me,precious times matters most.

Thank you typhoon,you had given me another realization.

Rainy days,come and visit us again, I'll be always ready.

-Anton a.k.a. tonski

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