Saturday, October 31, 2009

November starts

Christmas is in the air. The cold breeze of Christmas is everywhere but before anything else, I would like to greet everyone a : 


May all our departed love ones rest in peace. They are all now in a nice place we called heaven, so let us pray for them and always remember to stay happy.

Random things:

It's been a couple of months ever since I felt this way. She's all I think about. Seriously though even in dreams, I can still feel her warm presence. Dreams are products of our subconscious mind. What I mean is that, our subconscious mind keeps this fragile memories we kept on suppressing. We can fool ourselves but not our mind. 

And to clear things,Honestly I think I'm falling deeply in love. I even told myself that I would give one more try in a relationship after a year  because I have this fear of  taking chances but I believe God is telling me that I don't need that much time. 

And now, I know I'm ready but all I have are hopes and wishes.

I hope she felts the same way I did. I wish that she thinks about me too. She really is kind,sweet and pretty inside and out. She even deserves a better guy  rather than a good for nothing Anton  and I may sound selfish but I still wanted to have her in my own arms. 

She's the nicest thing I have ever seen. Guess I'm just lucky I met her by chance, the last days of Graduation in College or should I say destiny finds its way on both of us. Whatever it may be, I'm glad that she crossed my life.

I'm on a night shift schedule, I hope I can't fall asleep in my duty.


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